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Festival Blog
Monday, 28 March 2005
Hi, this is to encourage you to use the blog to send us your views, words of welcome, exchange ideas and gossip. You can even post your pictures to let us know about yourselves. All entries will be monitored for security and to prevent any abuse. It's down to you. If you have any trouble using the blog let me know and I'll get onto it. Post me at

Darren Scully
web site manager

Posted by stjuliansensemble at 2:27 PM GMT
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Wednesday, 30 March 2005 - 3:39 PM GMT

Name: Pete Benson

I the 11th visitor to the site like what I see. I'm really looking forward to my visit to St Jules. Make sure it is sunny weather for me.

Wednesday, 30 March 2005 - 7:23 PM GMT

Name: jess r.

a blog sounds cool.

Friday, 1 April 2005 - 11:17 AM GMT

Name: jess r.

ive just seen the rest of the website and it is very nice(as it actually shows some pictures of the school)but are we actually eating in school?

Sunday, 3 April 2005 - 10:11 PM BST

Name: Darren Scully
Home Page:

Hi Jess
Let me reassure you that we have a catering company which will provide you with a good variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. The dining room, as you know, is a spectacular venue which we probably take for granted. Last time we held a festival here food was not a problem. Hope that reassures you....

Friday, 8 April 2005 - 7:06 PM BST

Name: jess r.

it does, i shall not comment on the current school catering.

Sunday, 10 April 2005 - 9:05 AM BST

Name: jess r.

small point but do any other students know about the blog?

Wednesday, 13 April 2005 - 6:47 PM BST

Name: Margarida F.

Jess- i am a muffin. a blueberry muffin.

Did that traumatise you?

Wednesday, 13 April 2005 - 7:00 PM BST

Name: mari siqueira

hmm...i really hope im posting this in the right place...

well jess told us to post something about ourselves here. so i guess i should do that...well i love MUSIC..every aspect of it..listening to music, playing music, writing music..i love EVANESCENCE and... iga =) bt i like loads of different rock bands as well
i like to hang out, go out, just mess around ... always in the company of my friends...speaking of friends, i love in the TV fav movies are : Thirteen, Girl Interupted...and anything that'll make me laugh ... or cry .. whatever!
well..really looking forward to the festival and to meeting Pheobe Raymond and Xandra van Leeuwen...because im hosting them..and if u can hear me out there, get in touch =) i must now return to my geography proj...bye bye ***

Thursday, 14 April 2005 - 7:48 PM BST

Name: Margarida F.

I am looking forward to the festival!
And Catherine Munday from Brussels is staying with moi.

I think I should introduce myself!
I am random!
I am 13!
I am Portuguese!
I like Evanescence, and have many friends, and Mari is up there with the best of 'em ;D and Jess is in there too ;D I make many jokes, with things like muffins, cheese, and anything that comes to mind!
If anyone wants to get in touch that's fine!
I have to go now.. the ebil homework is a-calling.

Thursday, 14 April 2005 - 8:15 PM BST

Name: jess r.

hiya mari
i didnt tell u to post stuff i yelled it at you!!! iga is freaking ppl out before they get here by declaring she is a blueberry muffin :S oh dear
so anyway 'bout me im a bit phsyco(all of middle school ensemble at stjuls can keep their mouth shut!) and i love films and music ie: soul, jazz, rock and anything else. Also big hello to Sharlene Zaat (st johns) and Chloe Taylor-Gee (copenhagen)who im hosting and who should watch out for my mums collection of books on polar explorers.... scary!
oh well... bak to my mundane life

Saturday, 16 April 2005 - 7:33 PM BST

Name: laura

lol oh my lord...stjulians r gonna freak everybody out!! its okay, ppl out there, iga's ok so long as your not an anti-muffinnist!!!lol I love you guys!
hey sara Rizkallah from brussels, im ur "host"!! oops, i forgot to introduce myself: :p

my name is laura scully,
im 13 years old, i have lived in POrtugal for about 8 years
I was born in Brazil and my parents are English
im a little random, hyper and i cant stop SINGING!!! laaa!!
RnB, Rock and...the rest!!lol
cant wait for the festival!! its going to be ssooo fun!! u wait!!
bibi bjs **laura xxx

Wednesday, 20 April 2005 - 2:06 PM BST

Name: Toby Munnion

Hi looking forward to the ista festival and getting to know people.

Thursday, 21 April 2005 - 9:07 AM BST

Name: jess r.

toby is that really or all you're going to write?!
also what is up with your email its well bizarre.

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