St Julian's welcomes ISTA
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Draft Festival Structure

Subject to alteration


This is pretty straight forward really. The way the ensemble sessions are structured, and the master plan for the final performance will be decided when everyone meets. It will be Pete Benson's brief as Artistic Director to lead the staff team and coordinate this aspect of the festival planning. Here is a note from Jo on some ideas that she and her team have had for the ensemble work:


In terms of the overall artistic thrust of the festival, we would like to focus on cross disciplinary work and the incorporation of different genres into performance work.


We are suggesting that the following elements could be explored in ensemble sessions and skill based workshops, in terms of the contribution they can make to live performance:

  • Music – live, recorded, voice etc.
  • Visual Art
  • Technology – video work, projecting images etc.
  • Movement and Dance

This would mean building up to a final ensemble presentation at the end of the festival where some or all of these elements could be in some way combined.

We would like to know your thoughts on this – what you think you could contribute in terms of skill based workshops and ideas for how this might work in ensemble sessions.  Also, it would be interesting to know if you have particular interests/experience that could give focus to ensemble groups and if you have ideas for other elements which could be explored in this way. 

The overall theme of the festival is ‘Odysseys and Oddities’ and is broad enough to encompass a range of different kinds of work.




3pm                Arrival and registration

4pm                Welcome + Full Group Introduction

4.30pm           Ensembles + TE introductions

6pm                Dinner

7pm                Presentations

8.30pm           Host families collect students



9am                Trip out to Belem with packed lunch

2pm                Ensembles + TE 1

3.30pm           Break

4pm                Ensembles + TE 2

6pm                Full Group session

6.30pm           Host families collect students.  Dinner with host families



9am                Workshop 1

10.30am          Break

11am              Workshop 2

12.30pm          Lunch

2pm                Ensembles + TE 3

3.30pm           Break

4pm                Ensembles (Teachers free to observe)

6pm                Dinner

7.30pm           Evening activity – social for students and staff dinner

10pm              Host families collect students



9am                Ensembles + TE 4 + Teacher business meeting

11am              Break

11.30am          Final presentation and festival closure

12.30pm          Festival finishes