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Odysseys & Oddities

While the theme of the festival is Odysseys and Oddities, please be reassured that working on the theme of Odysseys is just fine for your 10 minute presentation for the festival. In respect of the festival itself and also other schools, do try to ensure that your performance doesn't run over the 10 minutes.
Each school will have 10 minute set up time during the dinner break on Thursday evening. Here is the running order of the performances:
1900-1910 St Julians
1915-1925 Copenhagen
1930-1940 Brussels
1945-1955 Hamburg
2000-2010 La Chataigneraie
2015-2025 St Johns

If Copenhagen and Brussels can set up first from 1800-1820 and then eat dinner. Then if Hamburg, La Chataigneraie and St Johns can eat dinner first and then set up between 1830 and 1900.